Hi! If you're here you're probably looking for these! I've put them here for easy access, along with their colour lists and whatnot. Let me know if you make either of them, I love to see my designs completed!
Non-romantic relationships that "platonic" feels like too weak of a term for
Favorite portrayal of Lucifer/Satan/The Devil?
Have you tried and failed to do a good deed?
Show me the cutest picture of your cats!
Good ideas for mod/update?
Creating beautiful pottery from rocks. The outcome is amazing.
Characters that are dead but their influence is constantly felt through the story
Lanterns on a belt or hip
Trying to watch twin peaks, but Freyja thinks she's more important
Weekend Minor Gripes and Vents
Where the Nice people AT ?
Whats the nerdiest thing you've seen someone do IRL?
Let’s see the last picture you took of your cat
What’s the best food that you’ve eaten abroad that we just don’t know about in the UK?
Drop a random fact that would ruin someone's day or even year. I'll start
Do you make your sims average looking?
I'm lost, help me find a hobby please
You guys need help
What's your Sims unpopular opinion?
This is fine right? All of the comments are saying it's too big
Guest for a bride that’s extra af
Ridley tries sunflower seeds for the first time. He very much enjoyed them.
When I was wee I thought "The Real McCoys" crisps had to advertise that way because at some point a rival McCoys crisps had entered the market. What daft wee things did you believe for far too long?
Freyja (14 weeks old) has been with us now for just over two weeks and she has decided she runs the house