My coworkers niece
Stories 3/13/25- realizing baby didn’t drop, new yewtube video, always going to prioritize her health, tips to help with bad spirits
Girl, wake up
jessa pregnant??
Often categorized as mean or aggressive those of us who know pitties are anything other than that. *** please post your favorite pittie snuggle***.
Young shrek. Also reminder, jill was 12 when she met 19 year old shrek for the first time…….
So I was listening to Labour by Paris Paloma...
How to get off the island tomorrow morning
Made a palette for a One Piece marathon and we had some company
This was posted about OPM in our Union chat
Stephen Baird has passed away. Heidi posted the news to her IG.
My family member lives 10 hours away from me
forgot this outside, is it okay? (ignore feet)
My therapist told me to join an alanon
Y’all I know it’s funny but please no more
I jumped on the Eucerin train and I can see some results
New variety alert!!
Hey guys I need a bit of help
Perfectly describes how I’ve felt my whole life being autistic
Here’s the post for Olivia’s Birthday!
Did Kaylee have another baby?
Uncultured by Daniela Mestyanek Young
This doesn't reflect well with Jill
Paul's recent "gift" to Morgan reminded me of the other drawings he has up on his Instagram
The Pick Mes go to a Christmas Party Farryn helped plan.