JonasCon thread!
Here and they’re only letting people park at met life. GARAGE A B AND C ARE CLOSEDDD
JonasCon General Thread
How often do I take my puppy outside?
What’s a childhood snack that disappeared but you still think about?
What's one tip you’d give to someone going for their first float? Whether it’s about mindset, prep, or what to expect, I’d love to hear your advice
Confused how the sessions are at the same time?
JonasCon Guest Ticket Swapping
Jonascon Ticket Holder Can’t Attend
Jonascon GA show?
JonasCon Karaoke
Jonas Beach Fan Experience (session 2)
Jonas Con End time?
JonasCon (Jonas Beach)
Does the welcome committee feel weird to anyone else?
Thoughts on this type of food?
Getting 2 little girls next month. At what age did you get yours spayed?
can’t stop thinking about it
That abandoned daycare
Did oxbow change? None of my boys are interested anymore
people who shower for 30+ minutes, wtf you be doin in there?
Is body mods considered as sh?
My manager barely does 1:1 once every few months
Moving to Detroit, what would you do ?