should I start over or?
a zine of things i’ve found on the streets of NYC, SF, and New Haven
Painted a pokemon card for my boyfriend for Valentine’s Day
For the "not so young anymore" among you: what would be the "must watch" titles for adults who prioritize quality writing over "flashy and loud"?
I am out of the loop. is the canadian rapper 'drake' really a pedophille/creep as accused?
Yeahhh I think I’m done with selling on Depop
Don’t be this guy.
Stop doing the “(brand) style item” and making the brand listing not the actual brand 😭
Relying on weed to cope with adhd brain
someone contacted eeoc on my behalf?
Need work music reccs
AIO I asked my bf not to call me names and he says I am too sensitive
Is it weird i want childhood trauma?
(TW: death) Found out this evening that a student at the school I'm subbing at tomorrow passed away over the weekend
some of my collages! [analog]
bringing more lives into the world just to neglect the ones you’re already responsible for…
Whats the funniest intrusive thought/obsession you’ve ever had? My OCD once tried to convince me that I had rabies despite literally never once coming into contact a rabid animal.
Is my art style appealing? Referring to character designs, color, shape language, and just the general way I draw things. I would love to know, as I'm often worried it's too much or too cartoony
Man sentenced for kidnapping woman, tying her to signpost in the desert outside of Las Vegas, and watching her die
What's a celebrity death you remember that hit you hard?
Unethical? Your thoughts.
Is it usual for a tick to go this deep in the skin?
Is this drawing good or interesting?
Woman was tragically mauled to death by her family dog while having a seizure in her home
About that time I killed a rabbit... (mentions of violence warning)