Trying to Understand Backend Web Frameworks for Rust, Go, and C#
Mega Swapert raid: 3754 5943 2820
627927069284 WB tapu koko community meetup 10+ local (doing dynamax raichu and raids)
Got 2 mega Swampert raids 151285266181
Toooootally intensional
Front 360 heel
not sure if this is good enough for this sub but box jumps 👍
Quick pullup from earlier
Taking the board to the d*ck
2 piece on the stairs @matrixaeveum
Finally got tre flips
Few more skate clips just relearned sw fs noseblunts
dr pepper experiences hell
Drop in
First and Second Lines ever.
I got this k grind a metal show the other day pretty proud of it
I wasn’t sure if this would work lol
Some Bails
A portrait of the character for my game.
Venice Manny Pad Gets Destroyed
540 hippie flip with a bounce
Cpu temperatures don't make sense
Official pronunciation