Is Justin ok? /j
My Envoy
Is it just me, or can no one else make themselves play JFO after Survivor?
A More Civilized Age: A Star Wars Podcast: 92: The Wynkahthu Job, An Inside Man, and Visions and Voices (Rebels 46 - 48)
The boys finally made it easy to skip the intro song
Avatar Commentary up on Bonus Feed now!
New Star Wars game
Is this more bananas than anything Dan Ryckert has ever said? [yes]
Genuine Clone Wars question:
Dark Forces Remastered made me want to bring the Katarn crest out of 90s low-res obscurity
3 legendary Star Wars villains in 1 movie
A More Civilized Age: A Star Wars Podcast: 81: The Lost Commanders and Relics of the Old Republic (Rebels 18 and 19)
This transition is so powerful
Auntie Ethels teahouse - anyone else HATE this quest/level?
What would've happened if Luke and Boba met in Mandalorian Chapter 16: The Rescue?
Unpopular opinion: the romance options come on too strong
Who is eating these?
It's insane how modern games are being destroyed by this. Every new game that comes out now seems to have vaseline poured into the screen
Facial Animations/Expressions
Daily reminder that 2009 Jason canonically has a weed farm (that’s why he killed Wade because he was sniffing his stash)
Patrick Stewart is just as bad as Bill Shatner
What do you think has been the most inherently funny question that’s been submitted?
Cooldown is actually nice