my fellow redditors, i've done it
exactly 10000 karma. freakin' sweet
some may call it a dump
What if hush got powered by green as it clicked while in a battle of two nobodies
102 of 365 | Amaterasu
[Fan-Made] Dragon answers your questions! (pt. 3)
What was the [fluff] ing need for this
Need help with Home
Balls dump
[Weekly] Battlecats Thread
Funny how they are trying to gatekeep International Women's Day
[fluff] you guys got any Battle Cats ships? I wanna hear them, and maybe draw them >:3
A bunch of shit in my Google Photos Album (an exhibit in Pre-Covid Post-Irony Humor)
[Fluff] what did y’all get from the 100M event?
Happy Saint Patrick's Day 🍀
[Fluff] What is your biggest flex?
shishi [fluff] ing won, bad units that r both loved and hated by fans' turn.
[Fan-Made] 6 Custom ability ideas
[Fluff] Recently maxed Myrcia. She still absolutely blows. 10/10 still my favourite.
I see Pornos is living up to its name and advertising on Grindr [Fluff]