hahahahahaaa why am i like this 😭
Problemas de Cultura…
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The types as animals lol bc all the ones I’ve seen have a *very* specific and obvious bias
me after reading the words "situationship" and "istp" in the same sentence
A bit of mystical unhingedness by the Diplomats 💚✨
El gobierno de Milei ha decretado que la gente con discapacidad sea clasificada como "idiota", "imbécil" y "débil mental". Salimos de la OMS y volvimos al siglo XIX
Thoughts on gender, and who we really are all before that
What's your MBTI and who did you get?
Stone does this in front of your eyes in 1977. Show your reaction with a gif.
Lesbians have a monopoly on tom boys
In the words of Belle Delphine: little titties, big ass, no dad
Whats your birthmonth?
El cantante de No Te Va Gustar cruzó a Milei: ““Ay, esa cabecita… Además, siempre contra las mujeres. Hay algo ahí, ¿no?. Una sociedad entera paga por los traumitas de una sola persona”
What’s something that you’ve never liked that one of the nine has done/still does
Gilmies never learn istg
Pure art !
Which type you wanna be so bad?
Well, we have Beatlemaniacs, Ledheads, Dylanologists and Swifties- but how would we call ourselves, the Floyd fans?
I have finally fallen in love with my body. The biggest thing today: my forearms
Zombie apocalypse starts now
What type are your parents and how did it affect your childhood?
Do cats have mbti personalities?
Fellow INTP's; How Relatable Is This?