What is something that instantly makes a person unlikeable?
World War Two traumatised an entire generation and we are still living with the effects.
What disease do you fear the most?
The feeling of wanting to go "home"
He finally gave me an honest answer
Can someone give me permission to read the letter from my mom?
My mom cares more about public opinión than my wellbeing...
How fucked am I?
Lawyer says my illegal family member can get a green card
People who knew a killer, did you ever suspect they would do it? What happened?
Would you still be angry at a horrible person after they died?
Questions about wanting an apartment after first time buying a house?
Which style of jeans suit me?
What’s the one terrible thing in your life you wish you could erase?
AITAH I Told my husband to leave me alone and now I'm on silent treatment
I broke up with him after 3 years. Started dating someone new, now the ex wants to work on things and get married.
AITA for asking my roommates wife to wear bottoms around the house
Home protection/self defense items for a woman living alone?
Has anyone completely changed careers in their 40s? What were you doing before and what are you doing now?
My NMom Died.
"That never happened."
What career paths is worth the time?
Stalker sending packages addressed to them to my house
How do you become not afraid of dying?