Is this authentic?
Hey everyone!!! With the new year, I’m gonna try to post more for the community. I’ll start off with an ISO post for my goals this year! :)
I hate Scalpers
Blaziken Pokédoll - US - 2005
my very budgeted pokedoll tree!! it
new hunt!!
Wailord Pokedoll
finally... after all these years...
Shiny Suicune Pokédoll - JP - 2010
my life for a sceptile pokedoll.
Sceptile and Metagross Pokedolls
I have 2 gifts on Reddit to give away still. So send pics of your more unique/favorite plush, and I’ll pick two tonight to get the rewards :)
New Additions again!!!
Finaly got my grail plush 💜
New Additions!!!
Axew Pokédoll - JP - 2010