Substance use and abuse, recreational drugs, self-medication, kidlit
Mindfulness, awareness, emotion regulation, behavioral therapy
Barnum effect, heuristics, cognition, psychology of personality, Big Five
Behavioral health, adolescence and emerging adulthood, lifespan development, developmental psychology, sedentary lifestyle
Narcissism, internalized misogyny, family systems therapy, cPTSD, adverse childhood experiences, self worth, self esteem
Depression, anhedonia, dysthymia, seasonal affective disorder
ADHD, AuADHD, stimulants, neurotransmitters
Venn diagrams, psychology of language
Neurodivergency, self esteem, self worth, identity
Anxious attachment, intimacy, self-disclosure, neurodivergency
Avoidant attachment, cPTSD, childhood neglect
Depression, child free, Gen Z
Dating, intimacy, relationships, attachment theory
Maslow's hierarchy of needs, classconsciousness, minimalism
Free-format data collection time! All opinions will be considered. Your time is your most valuable resource ✊
The biggest piece I've made so far
Who did he think he was? she is beautiful.
Depression, dissociation, dysthymia, depersonalization, trauma response, cPTSD
Trauma, cPTSD, dissociation, maladaptive daydreaming
Parenting styles, childfree, developmental psychology, childhood neglect
Radical acceptance, behavioral therapy, trauma, cPTSD
Psychopathy, antisocial personality disorder, paraphilia, cannibalism
Abuse, trauma, and recovery
Depression, dysthymia, social skills, neurodivergency
Psychology student, intrapersonal intelligence, introspection, metacognition