What shadow magic sorcerer icon mean?
Yamaha MR10, was given as a gift and looking for ways to incorporate it into setup. What can it achieve?
Putting together a guitar controlled synthesizer
Just bought my first pair, wtf is this leather?
Favorite hero voiceline?
Can’t Legally Call It a Painkiller
RIP old Friends
11/9 - The Masquerade (Heaven), Atlanta, Georgia - SHOW THREAD
As John Hearthstone, I will make it my life's mission to build a viable deck around this card
Lil Erebus midi
D5 - Legend with Even Reno Hunter!
What are some synth heavy rock bands I should check out?
If you could instantly become an expert in any skill, what would it be and why?
Closing in on my first setup
What’s the weirdest thing you have to prep at work?
Acid filter recommendation
First time legend with Reno Demon Hunter.
Do you have a favorite philosopher?
custom bleach WLFGRL
Any open deck nights in Atlanta?
What are the Dead Giveaways That a Co-Worker/Employee has Lied About their Bar Experience?
Drone music inspired by Elianne Radigue/Phil Niblock
Looking for carrying strap for Erica synths 2x104hp aluminum case
What's your most money consuming hobby?
My parents went camping in Oregon and went to a convenience store that was carrying these beauties at $67 a pop. They cleared them out.