I cant stand Meri.
Bring Cinnastix back!!
Where would you start with prenatal natural birth education?
Unmedicated Birth with an Unsupportive Partner
Sign the Petition
Can you be an ethical vegan if you kill mice?
Dear Asshole
What did sex ed definitely not prepare you for?
What's the worst sex you've ever had?
What is the dumbest lie a mechanic told you?
Does anyone know how can I stop loving someone?
[Landlords[Canada-ON] Excessive laundry
"Skillful" Bartender
This plant is not dead! I’ve had it for years and it has neither died nor grown. The “branches” are not particularly woody or stiff, at least not as much as they look. What is it?!
Found a Stash in the woods not far from the old farmhouse we just bought!
[Serious] What is something that doesn’t get easier the more you do it?
What breakup from your past still bugs you from time to time even though life has moved on? What happened?
YSK that people dealing with depression can find it incredibly hard to maintain contact with friends and family. If someone hasn’t been in touch for months don’t assume they’re a bad friend.
[Serious] Redditors who have cut family members off from their lives, what was the final straw for you?
What is far deadlier than most people realize? [serious]