Personal trainer Kathmandu
Any way to combine ps plus accts?
Guys where can I find good/best pizza in Kathmandu? Need some good cafe recommendation.
Blind Faith or Brutality? Cow Mercilessly Drowned in Karnali—Time to End This Inhumane Ritual!
Nepali Fitness Community: Outdated Training Myths That Need to Go
desh le bikas ma mareko fadko🤡🤡
What's your say on this ?
My prediction
For those who don’t want monarchy & current system, what do you say?
Kathmandu Bans Large Gatherings for Two Months
What's your opinion about this?
Ps5 not detecting 5ghz Wi-Fi
Does our votes even matter?
Lets list all the Kandas/Scandal and Prakaran of Nepal
Directly Elected Leadership Is the Only Way
Your dui sabda on this man
Nepalका तीन मुख्य पार्टीका top leadersले former King Gyanendra Shah र उनका supportersलाई monarchy फर्कने hope नगर्न warning दिएका छन्।
The Best Metal Bassist in your opinion?, Mine : Butler Geezer
Car palna Kati lagxa Nepal ma?
Whats the best way forward for Nepal?
Outlook down?
what can i expect from an Iron Maiden concert?
Too many requests error while trying to login with PW
If a cousin belittle me for being overweight, can I also belittle him for being jobless and not earning like me?
what do you call 'Pillow' in English?