"Public Tester" Player Title
Synth died as if he tried to escape
H: leaders, W: nuka cola grape rocket plan, pet rock
H: Caps, leaders, W: 10x thru-hiker's
H: Glowing Bigfoot W: Glowing Veggie Man
H: Fasnacht Raven Mask W: 150 Leaders
H: 100 Leaders, W: Raven mask
H: Leaders, W: Weenie Wagon Plan
H: Weenie Wagon Plan W: Offers
H: Leaders, W: Nuka Cola Quantum rocket plan, Nuka Cola Twist rocket plan
H: Glowing Veggie Man + 100 leaders, W: Glowing Bigfoot
H: Glowing Bigfoot mask, W: Leader offers
[PC] H: All New Gatling Plasma Plans W: Leaders, others bbh or magazines
H: 20k Caps W: Pyromaniac 4 Star
[PC] H: Flower Box Mutated Fern, Flowering Box Soot Flower W: Flower Box Aster
H: 1k leaders + 5 Glowing masks + 5 Pin-Pointer's + 5 Limit-Breaking W: Glowing Abe / Veggie / Bigfoot / Jackalope
H: Vintage Water Cooler plan, Golf Carts plan, 24k caps, Explosive and Stabilizer's mod boxes, W: Futuristic Globe plan
Sorry for being annoying
H: Mods and Plans, W: 80 Leaders or Futuristic Globe plan for all
H: mods, Leather coat, Forest Scout armor mask, High capacity backpack plan W: leaders or other offers
Finally got my 1st ever glowing mask!!
Radio host comment made my day
When should I betray the Institute?
H: 39k caps, 1x Pin-pointer's, 1x Fracturer's W: 3x Aegis, 1x Reflective
SM-1 Modifications