[SPOILERS] So the easy way to clear hordes were found and... ignored?
Negan knew how to play Eugene
It's just getting so hard to continue S10 ep8
Rick's hatred for Gabriel was so funny
Growing old together....they already won at life!
For me, this is probably one of the best fight scenes.
Fear the walking dead; as a parent with a 7 year old view.
IMO the most underrated piece of TWD
The BEST fight scene of the show
Im Still Waiting....
Just finished watching the whole series of TWD
This is the quality of Destinies we should’ve gotten
I've cracked TWDU ENDGAME
All Good Things Come To An End....
Who most deserved to make it to Alexandria
The “What If” series we deserve
Some parallels really require a rewatch to spot. Here’s one I found.
I miss this so much😭😭
Are there any fan theories that can’t be debunked?
Season 2/Season 2
Did Beth deserve better?
Most forgettable community in the show
Would Shane Have Shot Rick Instead of Otis?
I wonder why TWD: DD is doing poorly in reviews for the audience score, and then I remember people like Tom B exist
Let’s be real. We would all turn into Negan if we lost a woman like this