MSTR is closing in on TSLA
Sunday morning - what could be causing a significant drop
Is it not worth to go into Equity research anymore?
What sub machine gun is Emile aiming at Robo a Mac 10, Mac 11, or something different?
Which brokerages are giving best incentives for bringing over >$3mm liquid assets these days?
What do we think the initial secondary market prices of the 5000 series cards are going to be?
Recommendation for gun safe purchase and installation?
Austin gun safe purchase / installation?
Elon made $1 million bet with Sam Harris about covid cases (for charity), lost, didn't pay and then spread lies about Harris online. This is why they are no longer friends.
If everyone simply says "buy the S&P", what's the point of r/investing??
Got an Obscure Lions Jersey in Your Closet? Post It Here!
I’m a dead man walking
Uh, congratulations?
Full time day trader with 80% win rate at 19 years old.
To the person that invented RJ45 connectors
I met a former citadel employee today.
What made you want to purse investment banking, or what made you want to stay? What’s your favorite part about it?
Let's Talk NAV Premium - And Why Approaching 1.0 Is Extremely Unlikely (and an incredible buying opportunity if we get even close to it)
Thoughts go out to everyone who bought at 500+
Most iPhone owners see little to no value in Apple Intelligence so far
One thing I learned this year is to just trust my gut…
X1 Carbon Gen 13 Finally Arrived
Merry X(1)mas!
Your one best stock idea