Lost Writers
Force- I am dying
Legacies : Hope being nerfed because of Landon
Cooheart’s potential new company
What the Fanta?
M19 Am I attractive?
I love him for this 😂😂😂😂😂
Gmmtv best produced series
My book has just reached 100 reads! 🎉😃
Nobody is doubting he can pull any famous actor even for cameos. Where is the art and risk-taking in auditioning even for just one of the main roles?
Is The Vampire Diaries iconic in pop culture ? In the same way as Friends, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Lost, The Sopranos etc... (I mean it's popular on tiktok)
How do you get reviews?
AouBoom to replace OhmLeng in Only Friends: Dream On, and SurfJava to replace them in Mu-Te-Luv
No,but what happened to standards?
Play KE🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪
They could’ve did better.
The cinematography of Jack & Jocker is immaculate
Ticket To Heaven trailer reaction
Promoting as a self published Author
would they get along ?
Which seat are you taking?
PerthSanta The Chemistry!!
Ohm Leng will not be working as a pair anymore