let’s see your cute/fun/fav controllers! 🥳
Do you have any game characters you're romantically obsessed with?
how did u guys meet ur bfs?
Who is the ugliest Yakuza character?
Uh.. heres an oc? (First post)
I get turned on by pictures of women, but I’m straight?
frankie has a… “leaking” problem
What games from that picture are a must play for you?
Am I an attention seeker or a serial crusher?
What are your absolute must have items for feeling safe when out alone?
Are people actually scared and intimidated by bulldogs?
What does your brain do?
Can we talk underwear brands?
legally changing your last name but still using your maiden name
What gaming memory do you have where you NEVER forgave a friend?
What bra do you use to get the "up and together effect?
What would you do if your ex who cheated on you 5+ years ago starts following you again on socials?
help with prom dress!
Best single voiceline dialogue?
Urban Hell, Japan😍
Responses to “get back in the kitchen”?
Arby's - we have the MEATS
What are some video games that surpassed your expectations?
When did you stop thinking yourself as a girl and started thinking of yourself as a woman?
video games