Right of way
What's your stable 9070 xt overclock/undervolt settings?
Prices for 9070xt in Aus
For those of us planning on grabbing a new GPU in the next few days, lets talk about it to pass some time tonight! Im hype!
Chinese pricing for Radeon 9000 series confirmed
Prices are confirmed
Please Amd save us:
24M, dream to visit Egypt one day. Thoughts on my place?
5070ti price to come down soon
How much do you think the 9070xt will cost?
6800xt -> 9070xt
I feel like this pretty much confirms the ballpark performance of the 9070xt between 7900xt and 7900xtx
5070ti placeholder or actually price potentially
My 980ti just died after 9 years of sevice...
Go for an unnecessarily high PSU wattage upfront for potential upgrade capability, or stick to something more expected? (Estimated wattage: 463W)
XL passenger sues Lyft after being denied a ride
Are there are no cheap hobbies left?
Anyone else notice people turning left at red lights recently?
Are these bad for my pothos? If so how do I get rid of them?
Is this rip or still fixable
Does the F7A MK II have a size 1 or size 2 power plant? All the posts I come across reference a size 2 but this is different on RSI website.
Anyone else feel overwhelmed by 5 days in the office?
Buy a bike because money returns and time doesn't
This 6 foot requirement is fucking dumb.
A cool guide to the deepest places on earth