what mega pokemon do you want ( BUT NO MEGA CHARIZARD Z)
I'm confused about something and am hoping to find answers
LF: shiny offers FT: pictured zeraora is genned.
LF Offers
Willing to trade
LF gen 3 starters
Looking for specific shinies
Please help
What made you a fan of Star Wars?
I'm debating whether or not to begin watching the show
Would anyone like to talk 18F
GA: Ash Battlebond Greninja. Hasty. Home stamp
LF: shiny toxel, will transfer into home (costume Pokemon won’t keep their costumes)
Don't shoot me, but..
LF: Shiny ENG pogo offers
New and Improved ✨Trades! (Read Description- has helpful info)
I didn't like temple of doom
What songs from the show are guaranteed to make you cry
Trading shinies ✨️
Takes on kevin?
Looking for level one pogo stamped shiny offering 500+ pogos
LF shiny offers
Just caught these shiny guys
LF: Moon, Dream, and Love Balls FT: SV Shiny Mons