If Devon Larratt died would armwrestling popularity go down like 90%?
What would Michael Todd look like with a beard trim and hair transplant?
How did Michael Todd get the nickname "Monster"?
Levan needs to compete 3 times a year.
That Riekerd Bornman guy is pretty strong eh?
Would womens arm wrestling be a lot more popular if they wore short shorts and sports bras like the women in track and field?
If you absolutely had to, who would you rather have sex with, Coach Ray or Barbora Bajciova?
How many armwrestlers on earth could beat Matt Mask?
Which 3 armwrestlers would make the best bodyguards?
Which arm wrestlers are lowkey banging each other?
Why won't Denis just give the hammer back to Devon?
Kinda sucks that Coach Ray is putting up all his good stuff on Patreon.
I feel like arm wrestlers heights are always exaggerated like in the wwe.
Are there any gay or lesbian arm wrestlers do you think?
I dont like that in Knuckles Up you lose the round if you foul in a losing position.
Which armwrestlers do you think take the biggest poops?
Gimme Gimme Gimme!!!
So East Vs West will be set grip now like MAC.
How long until all top superheavyweights are the size of world strongman competitors and taking the same amounts of steroids?
Do you think Coach Ray is natty?
What do you think of Coach Ray dancing?
Evgeni Prudnik needs to get on that Ermes stack and start mogging again.
The Mac event was great.
Isnt it sad how friendly and cool Devon was with Denis and Morozov and now theyre enemies?
Whatever happened to Paul Italia?