GFX RF First Impression
After / Before
from an ex gfx owner, if you’re thinking about the RF, I wouldn’t go there…
Converted Polaroid 600SE
Well this is interesting. My extra lens board fits my stray pinhole almost perfectly. 4x5 pinhole with adjustable focal length here I come!
Film purchased directly from expires in... 1.5 months?
X2Dii release soon?
X2D & Profoto flash triggers
Question on X2D 100C exposure
What is your opinion on mobile photography?
Developer told me it’s normal for a scanner to add these dark lines if image is bright/overexposed. Is that true?
SF Public Library looks like it could be Lumon campus
why did my pictures turn out like this?
Polaroid Go Gen 1 Feedback
Has there been a camera made with more zoom than the Nikon P1000?
Giveaway! Comment to enter. U.S. only (sorry). Fluance RT82 Reference Table w/ a Ortofon OM10 Cartridge
How could the exposure be so different between shots???
Real Estate/Architecture on XCD?
Why does an electronic shutter cause banding and what is going on behind the hood?
Won at an auction. Which one to CLA and keep?
why is the price of itype films so expensive?
Weird “digital” blue line. Canon Sure Shot
how much RAM do i need for swift ui?
Best place to sell Hasselblad 907x 50c in europe?
Basic View Camera Question