In light of the recent article about the Trump administration now pushing for Australia to spend 3% of GDP on defence, what would be on your wish list?
Getting into the school of languages in 2026
What to do with all my furniture when I move back on base
Defence pension
ADF Career's new recruitment 'posters'.
My 3 cats 😙✌🏼
For First Time, Australian Submariner Earns US Dolphins
2016 Jetta 1.4TSI water pump noise?
ADF continuation bonuses extended
PSA on Housing Support Review Updates Senate Estimates
Do NOT update your infotainment system to the newest August 2024 update
How to make an Elantra N better than a Honda FL5 type R
No longer a requirement for Navy Roles - Pre FA
24 Elantra N Vacuum pump fuse keeps blowing.
New recruitment campaign from ADF Careers
Should the ADF super rate be increased?
Jaina Proudmoore cosplay- Classic WoW
30 with one property. Now what?
International postings
Best server for AUS population?
So, make sure you read the patch notes. I was VERY confused picking up an in-progress run just now.
Australia provided support in US and British Strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen, president Biden says
Dell announces 5k2k 120hz 40 inch ultrawide
Hotfixes for Battle for Ashenvale - faster progress, more rep.
Platinum Wow's new promotional video for SOD shows off completley new runes that weren't in the Blizzcon Demo.