72” by 36” Rolling Whiteboard
Various community things
Sourdough for Immigrants Round 2
Single Dad Moving to Beaverton – Looking for Insights on High Schools & Community
Just got diagnosed today
Transdermal Horns
Cracked a joke about my good veins being called "nurse porn" and the phlebotomist said it made them uncomfortable. Is that taking it a little to seriously or should I stop repeating this?
iPod touch(5th gen)
How did T affect your voice if you had a higher voice to begin with??
Did you lose your phone?
25 and lost everything
Portland Women’s Day March on Saturday at noon
I'm familiar with Libby, but still new to e-books
Advice for getting rid of big furniture?
Disability friendly food
What do you say Oregon?
"Magic Egg" in tank?
Vanity and Bench (Hillsboro)
Fancy and croissant donuts from Too Sweet Cakes (today)
Woodwind Instrument
Woodwind Instrument (I didn't have the energy to make another post, sorry)
Congrats! 20,000 members! Care to share a feel good Buy Nothing story on the eve of the ice-pocalypse? i
I realized that I don't want to date women with a high body count because of insecurity, but that I am OK with that
I'm the only guy who smells like B.O after putting on deodorant