Considering buying a used 2008 prius with 57k miles
Unsure about sizing up or down
Buying/Selling Tickets Megathread
How Many Steps Did Y’all Get In Over The CFG Weekend 👣
Plz Wash Your Hands After You Use The Bathroom
Differences in merch booths?
possibility of chromakopia merch shipping before cfg?
how far are the stages from each other?
got my wristbands with no email
CFG 2024
What are you trying to see from Tyler's set?
first flog
shaker 100s for a festival
missed one of my last active pills, am I covered?
is the advance sale gift included with amex presale?
Friend Code Megathread (gifts, marketbox, event help, etc) 2023
who went to the vegas show?
[Official] 2023 Buy/Sell Ticket thread
Possibly infected lobe? Can I get it repierced?
WB Mega altaria 8093-7199-1639 / 4064-5902-6194
Security strict. And some not. Wwwy attendee and friends attended lovers and friends this past weekend
I need to change out the jewelry in my lobes that I just got pierced since I’m sensitive to nickel. Can I change it this early + jewelry recs?
Lugia 8463 8060 5967