What is something that you love, admire or are proud of about yourself?
What's a dream you have let go of?
When will we leave the troubles of the world?
[Serious] A lot of posts about falling out of religion, but for non-believers who went the other way what made you fall INTO it?
Share Your Testimony: How Has God Worked in Your Life to Give You Hope?
What are some of your favorite food combinations that others might think are weird but you actually enjoy?
whats a weird smell you love?
When you’re cooking dinner in your kitchen, do you ever pretend you’re on a cooking show and speak to an imaginary camera?
Is you human ?
What foods can you just not get yourself to like/eat?
Are you religious? Why?
What's currently stopping you from buying a Tesla rn?
How do you solve your monkey problems?
How would you feel if Canes stopped selling their Cane Sauce? Would it change your decision to eat there?
What comes to your mind when you think about India?
What’s the best fast food restaurant, if you could pick one?
How are you feeling now?
Do spoiled kids grow into spoiled adults?
How would you handle a situation if you walked in seeing your partner cheating on you?
What’s a common piece of life advice you completely disagree with?
What was something you swore to hate forever, then did and actually enjoy it now?
Women of Reddit. What is something a man has said to you that proved he knew nothing about women?
Redditors, how is your highschool crush doing?
28. Just finished xray tech degree. Not in love with it. Regretting it. Where do I go from here?