Can you help me understand covert narc email? I want to move on.
Ex coming back for more money after decree absolute is granted
Would it be disrespectful of me to make artwork of sad viruses with cute faces saying they're sorry for killing so many people and they didn't mean to kill people?
Why is it that when abuse victims like us run away and decide to just disappear and cut everyone off that so many people side with who we are trying to escape from? A kid wouldn’t just leave a perfectly happy and safe home. There’s always a reason. Always 2 sides of a story.
Nothing is more satisfying than being able to grey rock a narcissist
My (23f) boyfriend (24m) wants to move in with me. I want him to live alone first.
Wanting to Go No Contact with Family Without a Major Fight/Catalyst
Turns out I’m not deaf
If your boyfriend (30M) randomly turned to you in bed and said “I knew you were a s*** when you had sex with me on the first date” what is an appropriate way to react? I’m 27F, few months in.
My 16 year old daughter found out that she has endometriosis, the idea that she may be infertile has really been affecting her and I don’t know how to help
A year after he left me... thank you reddit
I Was So Confused That I Started Recording Every Time We Were Together..
My trust issues so bad I don’t even trust the FaceTime mute button
When a codependent gets healthy
Who is a prime target for a narcissist??
My (F25) husband thinks I'm High Maintenance even though I'm extremely cheap and this might end our marriage
Resentment that my husband left me after a miscarriage
Cadeucus Cellar’s wine in the UK
Drug use as a reason for divorce
Loss of our baby triggered a midlife crisis?
Do your parents think your therapist is brainwashing you?
shamed for getting my period... again
How do I talk to husband that I suspect might be in mania?
First Mother’s Day as a non-mother