Do women who use anavar to build some additional muscle get confused with being trans?
Just finished this haunting film about the effects of abuse & power dynamics. One question though, this is listed as a comedy. Can someone tell me what parts were supposed to be funny?
DOMS - when does it stop!
What's the best film you watched so far this year? I'll go first:
Which one do you prefer?
If you could bring back one fashion trend from the past, what would it be?
Have you ever mistaked a squat booty for a bbl ?
What’s in your gym bag you love?
Avocados, healthy fats and a rant
How to gain muscle mass?
If we know meditation and breath work is important, why don't we do it more often?
Day 3 at the gym and I'm convinced people who workout regularly are insane
how to lose weight?
Which sister is hotter?
Etiquette for wiping sweat off yourself in public???
How are yall staying in a calorie deficit on your period?
Alcohol and weight loss
1500/day too high?
I'm looking for advice to slim my thighs a bit.
is 800 calories a day healthy?
How do I stop smelling like BO when i workout?
What are your top 3 new watches so far this year?
Alright let’s hear it, what kind of music do you listen to when working out?
Do you factor in activity level to your tdee?
Why does walking only lose weight in your legs ?