Thoughts about B42
How can I level up trapping?
Since y'all liked my map annotations I'd like to invite you to come watch. I'm live on
Any good mods to fix zombie disbursement?
Question to people with characters that lived 1 year+: How did you keep yourself occupied?
PSA Don't put your animals near water.
Do you have trouble raising animals on Very Bad Day mode? This might help
Why cant i drink from a sink?
Perfect base
So.. What am I supposed to do with this window then? (4k res, no resize button)
Watching videos on stream without getting DMCA strike or banned
Need Help Reading Crash Report, super important save!
[B42] Are there any mods that help mod management?
New player. Found this on the floor. What now?
Are Sheep or other animals bugged? Stressed for no reason.
foraging can only find berries and rocks and twigs and nothing else tested it with cheats enable pls help
What’s the most ridiculous reason you’ve been timed out or kicked from a chat?
Gotta love early helicopters
Might be immature to ask, but how close do you think build 42 multiplayer is?
Building Vehicle Roof Racks
Unable to fill drink containers at sinks. Build 42 Unstable with new update
I wish I made this up
Question: Is MP now available again?