Suggestion: We have lots of bloody/dark/edgy armour. What if oathplate was from a challenger of Yama? (Pic from DS2)
Yama Rewards Poll Live, Blog Update + First Look at Oathplate armour Concept Art!
Scythe to green log TOB on the iron zerk. 2,000kc & 60 purples please get me out
(Game Update) World 45 Permanent Deadman Changes
Kieren has confirmed the team is currently looking at stackable clue scrolls
OSRS Suggestions
Game Jam: Charges QoL
Please Jagex stop trolling me :(
Teleport list expansion not added to PoH
Game Jam: POH Improvements
Royal Titans CAs & Birthday Rewards
xzact has achieved the new lowest cmb level infernal cape (combat level 35)
Mining cape should work at amethyst.
Game Update - Royal Titans Feedback Changes & More!
Reverse mechanic preventing anglers not over-healing in PVP
My bf permanently brain damaged someone and didn’t go to jail
new thing on OSRS wiki: completion percentage for collection log items
Aerial Fishing Molch Pearl drop rate is way too low/price of items too high
Royal Titans - OUT TODAY!
Finally done after going over 3x droprate
Bounty Hunter Changes, Collection Log Updates & Emote Improvements
I think EVScape’s league series is the perfect example of why drops in leagues should be guaranteed after x amount of kc
JAGEX, please let more than 1 person use the grand tree door at 1 time.