Higher leg raise
How do I beat this guy? I’m rage quitting
Stuck under the map is peak blox fruit moment
Who is your go to healer if you’re the solo support?
What’s this? Could Jack be alive?🧐 ⚔️
Got this at an ink master convention
Assassin's creed shadows ign review leaked
Give me a character YOU, yes, YOU can beat
Which console are you buying it for?
What is the coldest or coolest anime phrase or quote you've heard?
The viltrumite big 3 vs character gauntlet (12 rounds) what’s their record?
Blox fruits opinion that got you looking like this?
which characters have feintable dash attacks?
On a scale of Casca how are you feeling today?
Accepting new name ideas for this character:
Why is revenge so odd now
Ubi, baby, you know I love you right?
If an admin was trading admin-exclusive items on your server, what would you offer for them?
Enough time has passed since the release of our most recent Wu Lin, Húndàn. What do we think about them? Do they need buffs or are they in a good spot?
Is it too anime to give a riptide a sword?
Give me swordsman (or woman) who can beat Dracule Mihawk
Name me your favourite blonde character
What did your Clementine became?
wearing platform “running” shoes for the ball throw ?