What's are creative quests my party could go on to disable the wand of Orcus?
I made a Tiermaker for Immersive Sim DLC, am I missing any Imm Sim DLC?
Is Apple math (math and engineering) worth it?
Should I buy Mankind Divided's DLC stories or Prey Mooncrash
If you were a GCPD Officer, which Batman villain would be the most insufferable to go against?
Who do you think are the finest villains of the year 2015, out of those in the picture and overall?
What game has the best combat you've played?
(PS5) Need help with final boss on vet
What do You think of this possibility?
Well deserved GOTY 2023
Meme I made while at work
Hello Friends! Ben Cureton (tragic) here from Gunfire Games. AMA about Remnant 2!
Squirrels in Kingston
Potential DLC leaked?
6 hrs in. Got my 2nd mutator and 2nd corrupted shard. Yaesha-Apoc
Aberration Domination Event Corrupted Weapons - Which one are you going for?
Thoughts on Guillermo Del Toro?
Who is the Worst Prof You've Had at Queen's?
What are some great builds you like for apocalypse that isn’t the root doctor build? I’m keen to try something new
If you got the chance, which Villain would you replace Joker with as Batman’s Arch Enemy
What do you think is PvZ2's biggest improvement from PvZ1, and what's its biggest downgrade?
Around what range of chapters do you think Berserk will end at?
What are your thoughts on Star Wars The Clone Wars
Solar Sands wants to collab with Mauler/EFAP
It's never coming out