Lf ft below
Looking for and offering below! Can 2:1 for older costumes!
Offering GIVEAWAY Looking for Nothing (read description)
How did you guys do(im a semi-rural player)
looking for Ninjask, Shedinja, Aggron, Flygon, Electivire, Chandelure and Hydregion, offering below
❌✈️❌looking for/offering below
Do you guys tag your 96 and 98%?
i thought i finally had a nundo
Looking for Swampert, Mawile, Mewtwo and Vespiquen, offering below
Absolutely crazy luck during this entire event but no Brux 😭
Never EVER look at the journal when using go plus
I had to share my excitement! Got him with ONE single Ultra ball, and it wasn't even NICE.
Looking for Shiny Tapu Koko caught in red pokeball from GBL. Offering below
Looking for and offers below - CAN FLY, Candy Mirror Trades
Offering Smeargle with Lock-on and Flying Press, looking for below
❌✈️❌looking for/ offering below. ik i dont have much to offer and so i wont be getting most of my wanted mons anytime soon but im looking to build lucky friends too and maybe till then ill have more to trade :P
Lf page 1, offering bottom of page 1 and also pages 2-12
Looking for top / Offering bottom
Looking for the best offer
offering giveaway looking for winners! Description!
Favorite screenshot you’ve gotten from smeargle hunting?
acquiring rockruff
I hear rural players are looking for gigantamax pokemon. Here I am, offering them to you.
in general, is a shiny considered more valuable when its evolved or not?
These tiktok emos bro