Share your photogenic cat friend
my “waiting for the rat to de thaw” face
question- plants?
why wouldn’t parents let their kids watch spongebob
when worlds collide
Betta in a pet keeper
question - plants?
My Betta died Today
How much?
I've had this boy 4 days ago and he just couldn't make it somewhy
Is this normal behaviour? He’s been doing this since I got him about a month ago, but it’s really the breathing I’m worried about
Should I add more fish?
is my tank shitty
my kitten looks terrifying
Removing paint around nails
retention help please :(
Nail lamps
I painted these 18 hours ago. I work in retail. Any way to stop this from happening?
batman or cat
Are water changes necessary in a heavily planted tank?
before & after tank shots
Meet Buzz the Bumblebee Beta
Is this removable skin, or is it living skin?