Serious scenes between Min Ho and Kitty
Since I was unceremoniously blocked after responding…
What do you guys think about Minho being mean to Kitty at the beginning of season 1?
Sang Heon Lee’s new hair!
New character being added
What celebrity conspiracy seems totally plausible?
Filming dates have changed
The Imbalance in XO, Kitty’s Love Triangle
I want Enhypen’s “moonstruck” to be mooncovey’s first kiss song
Mooncovey and Covinsky parallels
Mega thread: Min Ho Monday
Timeline of S2
Mod-Post: Daily Mega-Threads
Best Outfit pairing!?
Mooncovey fanfic
How to impress a girl in friendship who watches XO kitty
Which song
Belly-Conrad and Minho-Kitty
Why MoonCovey is EndGame
It doesn’t matter your “reasoning”, it’s still biphobia.
Sang heon lee cut his hair
Mooncovey is endgame
The leitmotif that signifies Kitty’s crush on someone.
New sub for mooncovey shippers! r/mooncoveyXO