What's the weird thing going on with your body that isn't weird enough to go to the doctor for?
Juice bar in the city centre
What have you begged for as a child, then regretted?
Something that always lifts my spirits
[Hobby Scuffles] Week of 17 March 2025
In honor of A 4 Hour Long Video Essay on a Theme Park, here are my shelter cat name ideas
[Indie Perfumes/Perfumetok] Coney Island Shady: How one formerly beloved perfume-tokker and maker got unmasked in the wake of the recent election as a Mean Girl.
The habits I built while losing the first third of the weight meant my 'going off the rails' eating has actually just been maintenance
How does one break bad eating habits formed since childhood?
If this is fake, it’s brilliant, and OOP should be proud.
AITAH for refusing to lend my coworker my "healing shadow" after she insisted I have one?
Invincible [Episode Discussion] - S03E08 - I Thought You'd Never Shut Up
Ad disguised as a reddit post on my feed. Stop doing these ya dingdongs, it makes me hate the product more
Evil pregnant lesbian committing HR violations
AIO - Want to go to HR because a Pregnant Lady keeps complaining about how I smell
27 years old. Wants a woman with a body count of 2 or less, otherwise they're not real people.
Dating is becoming harder and harder as I get older
Me finding out I may have IBS whilst having personal cleanliness ocd that gets super triggered by going to the toilet
OCD horror film
What's the one way you won the Weight Loss Lottery?
why do redditors have such a weird obsession with overweight people
My obese friend is unaware about how many calories she eats.
My oldest friend in the world stole my baby name so I completely reacted proportionately and destroyed all of the decorations and cake at her baby shower in front of people…please feel bad for ME.
AITA For trashing my friends baby shower then going no contact when she reached out?
Getting back into the swing of life after a breakup
i usually say take a nap
AITAH for breaking up with my girlfriend over four leaf clovers??
Final update on my dropped pattern test because of being referred to hospice
Wunk technology