Just wanted to say people asking for leaders to farm a robot for free is outright greedy lol help eachother out it’s literally free rewards
Doing something special today…a very old kit (1996) ..a forgotten box hidden in my friend’s shop and it’s a great find…a T-38
WW1 Trench diorama (First ever diorama)
H: F40+3s pounders auto axe W: Throw me offers
2X Fiend Mask Giveaway!
XBox Deathclaw Hand Auction 2025 bidding closes at 8pm central time
Hey everyone, Courier Meg Here!
Auto axe in fallout
1/24 CJ-7 Jeep almost done.
H: Esme's Cooking Set W: Leaders
H: too many mods W: my stash space back
W: pet rock H: raven mask
H: Leaders W: Bunnabun Misc
H:Nuka Cola Six Pack Misc Bundle-My Bloods In It, Vaccinated and Scorched Displayable Misc W:BOS Jump Suit
H: This W: Box Mod Offers
H: Venison and Tatoe Stew Misc W: 50 Leaders.
H: D/E/15rl Legacy Gat Pla W: Offers.
H: Brahmin Fas Mask X3 W: 40 Leaders per
H: 7k caps W:Explosive Mod
H: Leaders W: Gat Plas Sting Core and Accel Nozzle Plans.
H: 75 Leaders W: Gatling Plasma Accelerated Nozzle Plan.
1/48 Academy Polikarpov I-16 Type 24
Legacy Gatling Plasma
H: Some caps if you want W: Sun Masks
H: 42+ sun masks W: to find one of the collectors.