What is your favorite emoji?
She is Luna. Today marks 6 months since she is staying at HER home🩷
Found a Japanese style print with cats fishing, i modified it to look like my cats. Cat pictures included.
Do chargeback protection companies work?
How to Handle a Backer’s Chargeback Before Shipping?
How to handle threatening customers?
Chargeflow Alert Coverage is Terrible
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
What is ruining your mental health?
My happy pill :))
Meet my cuttest dog.
What game will always be special to you, no matter how many years go by?
What’s something you see many people do, that you’ll never do?
Variety pack kittens
Stripe Blocked My Account – How Can My Customers Get Their Money Back?
Does anyone use Stripe Radar?
Unjust chargebacks
Increase in Chargebacks
Does anyone else feel different at night?
What have you been genetically blessed with, and nerfed with?
What obsolete technology do you miss?
Just graduated and none of my family really seemed to care, so I guess I’ll share it with Reddit instead. 🎉
What’s a “weird” family food tradition you thought was normal until you got older?
What are some interesting horror stories, ghost stories, or urban legends that you have heard?
I think I'm starting to like matcha