Guess the first try wasn't so bad after all
Did anyone not get their scores back yet?
Did anyone here apply to T20 American unis?
Office made a mistake in my HL subject choice and now refuse to change it
bro wtf
Colleges that Should Date
Year 12s who have done a FULL ucat practice paper... what score did you get??
What EE have you done/are you doing?
After scammers comes a rainbow 🫶🏽
Is prestige a consideration when you want to go abroad?
Chat hows it look
Which artists are in your top 5 on Spotify besides Laufey?
Any other British students applying to US Universities here???
Is it still possible for a academic comeback?
what career/job are you most interested or passionate in doing? and why?
What are your Laufey hot takes?
Harry Potter English L&L EE
am i done for
Review Paper vs Research Paper
Struggling with CAS reflections im gonna kms
Could i include this in my honors
Viable team? Arle Yelan Citlali Bennett
if you guess, should you re-attempt the question?