Observatory Tickets
Never had an item sell out in the Trunk shop before, anyone know what it was?
Advanced Room Ideas
Event facilities and forest zoom out??
Max level Increase
question about kitty trip
The amount of storage this game surprised me
🌸 SPRING 🌸 LTS Master Thread
I’m so hyped 😭🪻✨
Empty Lot keeps disappearing?
i feel crazy >.>
Odd-eyed cat?!
what does this facility skin look like ingame?
Help me fix my grandma's apple cake recipe!
What is this for?
Why does the decorative slot disappear when i close the game?
Anyone got a picture of the rattan hanging chair?
Silly question about fishing
I have a question guys, how do u make this spacious? Like can u only do that once u bought all facilities ?
🌸 Baby Kitty's Spring Vacation Event 🖼️
Do facilities still give you money even though you put them into your storage?