In my English class we're learning about Macbeth and one of the quotes is 'something wicked this way comes' and my brain went straight to double life.
OH MY GOD I'VE FINALLY FOUND IT!! I've been searching for so long......
I want your craziest hear me outs
do your parents give you daily screen time and how long do you get?
Is there a place to find Scar's "Meditation" disk
when VIEWING multiple povs do you watch an entire pov of a season then move to the next pov or watch multiple povs per episode?
What is ruining your mental health?
Can the Group Circle on Session 1 Predict the Winner?
How often every lifer has eliminated someone else
Would this fanfic idea be boring?
Which show started 10/10 and ended 10/10?
How do you want to die?
What is your religion?
Would y'all date a girl?
How do you guys' type in galactic?
Is it just me?
Would you date a nerd?
I'm I overthinking about a guy in my school?
How did you discover them?
6 hour drive and you can only listen to one artist. Who are you listening to?
Should I be worried about a guy in my school?
What music do you listen to?
Girl's what's attractive about girls?
What’s the firsts thing you notice or something that can instantly make someone attractive
Why do boys hate leg hair on girls so much?