[KCD2] I never thought I'd give praise side by side with a Christian.
Calibanite Jaegers Flamer Section
My favorite 40k quote. Pic Unrelated.
Calibanite Jaegers Flamer Section (Warhammer 30k)
Not with a whimper, but with thunder - the last of the thunder warriors make a stand atop Mt. Ararat as their replacements, the astartes, close in. C&C welcome!
Please tell me that spending 3+ hours just on the power blade was worth it. Btw, should I push the contrast on the lighter parts to white or very light blue is enough?
Trump administration retreats in fight against Russian cyber threats | US national security
Units that are so bad/boring that not even Rule of Cool can save them?
Kitbashed Heretic Stormtroopers for Kill Team
🛠️ PATCH 01.002.101 ⚙️
Which Space Marine Legion Works Best With Night Lords?
Iron Warriors Legion Castellax
Heresy Thursday – Protect your God Engines with the unyielding Secutarii Axiarch
Calibanite Jaeger going on a very enthusiastic walk
The Great Web Spider-Gwen Mod in Marvel's Spider-Man
Most of it tasted like ass (not in the good way)
Harbinger of Colorful Decay
Legion Overseer
I had no idea
Suspect in killing of health care CEO faces 5 charges including forgery and firearm without a license
Death Guard Vindicator
How do you keep supports from making bumps and holes all over your prints?
Smoke Break (OC)