Do you think the Reef Na’vi are pretty or weird-looking? If you could change one thing about their design, what would it be?
Call it "parallel universes" and no one bats an eye but when I say "reality shifting" society society calls us crazy
According to some Christians any female with masculine features is automatically a man…😐 (I didn’t know I was a Tyrone this whole time……)
Tell me ab ur dr!
How do I stop saying “When am I gonna shift” whenever I attempt to shift?
Here’s my new review thread!🫶🏾❤️
Why do so many Jamaican parents have a lot of narcissistic traits?
Why are so many Jamaican women enabling rapists or allowing them to get away with their crimes?
I’m starting to believe that god is selfish and self-centered
Christians will almost always try to blame you for their god not answering your prayers
What’s your WORST food combo?
I’m starting to believe that god just is simply egotistical
Why are Christians so hypocritical? They pretend to be saints whole time their at the club at 3 am on a Saturday
Why do Christians feel the need to thank god for any and everything even when he never played a part in it?
How I feel when I look back to my religious psychosis era at 12
Is your cptsd so extensive that you wish you were never conceived?
I am starting to hate Christians
Is it wrong to menifest this?
The start of my turning point and why you should never trust a pastor
Did anyone else's groomer interrogate them for hours?
Tips so you don’t get groomed by people in your DM’s
To the creepy fucks in this sub
I want a father who wants to protect me.
My honest reaction when someone says that what happened to me was necessary for “The power of god to be demonstrated!”
Me trying not to have a mental breakdown as soon as I see a church