Hottake: this Games PvE is great the pvp is shit
A Forgotten Ability Gave Me World Record.
What happened to this? Are the upcoming skilling tools & perks aimed at this concern, or is the new May update a replacement?
PSA: Don't start new pouch unless you have 100 magical threads....
Is this BIS? (or almost)
Kerapac One at a time CA
living death + adrenaline renewal same tick
2.5k gold kit Bard vs. 38k gold kit Druid.
Best melee counter to longsword and glass canon barbs?
PvM difficulty- Zamorak
Where is the Gold ore?
Sub 24 lobbies are a varied and fun enviroment!
25% statt 50% Reduziert bei Kaufland
The official Wiki team believes Luck is not functioning
Hey guys it's me Leth, I will reveal the Silksong release date once this comment section reaches 1 333 331 comments. Good Luck.
If Silksong comes out in 2026, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
[PvP] Macroing does NOT belong in this game
Der öffentliche Dienst hat Rekordbeschäftigung und beklagt weiter Personalmangel - Was darf eigentlich Satire?
Trolling in Goblin Caves
Has any gim managed to get into raids?
Zirkzi’s VS Mana Sphere
Why did they have to nerf the magic staff so bad? Almost nobody was using it anyways and it was a niche build item.I used to have so much fun using it on cleric. It's literally useless right now...
How should we fight HR lich without a shield?
Worth more than 1 gk?