Permanent disability
Whats everyone on todqy?
8 week check up
Found this gem on reels
What did Vincent hope to gain by telling the detective (only woman he’s ever had a real conversation with) that he got pegged by a guy on his Grandpa’s bed?
Jan 6 Insurrectionist drops new single on Rumble
Are there any drugs that makes you not think? Basically reducing intrusive thoughts
Should I get Spinal Fusion?
I said that?
I don’t have a last name 😡
Post surgery with schizoaffective
Do you actually believe there exists a guy whose dick was large enough to penetrate Vincent’s fatass and whose ass is small enough to get penetrated by Vincent’s micropenis?
How much gauf in dxm is deadly?
We fixin' to get CLOWNY up in here, y'all! Now CRAP YOSELF!
If god didn’t want me to do meth then why did he make it feel so good?
What is schizophrenia
need to find a new spot to stash my drugs
Anyone watched squidbillies?
Am I ugly.
What tf are these swimming around in a planter?
It's time to stop with the lorne jokes
Best drugs for taking casually (in social situation) WITHOUT much of a hangover
This guy created a whole cinematic universe as to why he showed up at the sting house. His backstory is also insane.