New mission idea: ABANDON SHIP
First playthrough done. This is the monster that burned Rubicon. Thank you to everyone that recommended changes to the build.
First playthrough, decided to get FoR out of the way first, Ayre's beating my ass, Help.
Now that's just mean.
Seems we are gonna have advance warning when Jet Brigade+ rolls around.
Does this mean the jet brigade's coming back if we lose Chort?
Jet Brigade attacks stopped by skillful use of the DSS, enemy resistance on Menkent slowly eroding. Well done Helldivers!
Objectively, there is no reason to bury your colonist in a sarcophagus.
Tips on the Illuminate?
The commando is very good against the squids.
How do you beat high value assets against the illuminate?
I could go for some crab rn
Are u gay?
Why remove this beauty ?
George Washington only chopped down cherry trees [OC]
80 levels & 275 hours later, i finally did it.
Well we're fucked either way
The Constitution... needs some love.
New Mayor order.
Don’t forget to study official Liberty Day schedule
How can we win this we already have 42k helldivers 😭
am I the only one that thinks that it would be funny if the automaton super Earth conflict just boiled down to this overtime just two fundamentally awful regimes fighting each other
they stole it.