Taiwan Marine training “road to heaven"
He Believes He Can Fly, He Believes He Can Touch the Sky
One Job
Woman tries to steal from store but store owner isn't having it...
Camel was tricked into eating a lemon!
Autonomous "Dark Factory" in China with no human workers
This operator has balls of steel.
Nine cops protecting a Cybertruck.
When cursing actually work
Worried About Trump’s Attacks on Democracy? Join Students4Democracy
Man calls another man a N word at a Waffle House in Georgia
This is so messed up
Man posted a video on TikTok boasting about his "educational achievement”. In the video, he forces his daughter to admit that all Japanese people are bad.
Handing out joints to the people💚
They all need to be fired🤣🤣
川普簽署行政命令 取消挺巴勒斯坦示威者學生簽證
What do you think of people snitching on traffic violations?
Snitching scheme in Vietnam to improve road safety
Somewhere in China? That’s incredible
vlog of Chinese international student in Pyongyang, North Korea (originally posted in China's domestic tiktok)