Auction starts @9am got my spot! Hoping for a good outcome🙏🏻 🍿
Anyone hosting a watch party for the 10 Krol meeting?
I am not your therapist
Does anyone have a comprehensive List of what will fit on a shelf?
What are some discworld phrases you use in everyday life all the time?
Begging time not goods
Questions for the DND Community
Hour 22 - I feel fine but the desire to boredom eat is REAL
IF and breathing
What fasting split did you have the best results with?
AITA for not wanting to do the planning anymore?
Eating with (what feels like) a scarcity complex
Half way through “The Obesity Code” and I’m so ANGRY
Feeling drunk after breaking fast
Unresolved Character Syndrome
Finished Dr. Fung’s Obesity Code at the beginning of the month, something just clicked… I’m more motivated than ever! Such a great community!
App Testers
After 48 hours of fasting, dinner that I have been looking forward to all day.
Campaign XP Log
NPC resource - would you like?
NPC resource - would you like one?
Favorite Character Concept You Haven't Played Yet
looking for horror music
NPC resource chart
RIDING A MASTIFF - Is it realistic?