URGENT!!! DART may cut their own budget as a "compromise"
Jobs along light rail lines
DFW population surges but it no longer leads nation
DFW crime map.
Oh no! Shelby Williams is getting booted from City Council.
Cities in the US where you can live comfortably without a car
Tell Paul, I want him to know it was me
DART hopes to sway skeptical members to settle for 5% funding rebate
Dart Rail Reimagined: An alternative vision for the rail system within its existing right-of-way
Public Transit Under Attack In Texas
Hotels off Red or Blue line with access to restaurants
What's his name again?
If HB 3187 passes, the TRE will die
DART funding cut could risk 2026 World Cup transit plans
‘Read this email immediately’: CDC tells about 180 fired employees to come back to work
LEGISLATION IS HERE: HB 3187 Will Destroy DART If Passed
Rowlett has flipped, now supports full funding of DART and rescinds their July 2024 resolution
What even is going on internally at Dart
If you live in HD70, please contact Rep. Plesa about HB 3197
Dallas Using ONLY Public Transit
Fort Worth proposes $800M urban rail starter system emanating from downtown
DART Warns of Dramatic Staff, Service Reductions as State Considers Cuts